Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Share Trading

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons” – Woody Allen
The Money Guru;Woody Allen’s quip sums up this beginners guide to investing in shares. This is a good start to your education on investing – putting your money where it can gain greater returns than just earning interest in a high-interest account. Investments in shares or stocks (called stocks in the USA) can be daunting as there is vast and various amounts of information on investments and everyone is ready and willing to take your money. But in this guide, investing is not as complex as you’d think. This is also proven by the fact that Australia has the highest personal share investment in the world. This guide hopes to give you better information in which you can make individual tailored investment decisions, while also covering some basic finance concepts.

Doing all the research for this guide has also illustrated the amount of short rule-type guides to get rich quick. There are a plethora of guides; some of the ones I’ve seen are  Ways to Make Saving and Investing Easier,  Steps to Retire Rich,  Rules of Wealth Building and Eight Secrets to Improving Your Portfolio Returns. Sure, you can read a guide which is a page long on how to invest your entire savings, but what you put in is what you get out. If you believe that reading a few of these guides will prepare you for investment then you should read this guide before you go any further. Investing is not as simple as these guides make it out to be, but you don’t need a PhD in quantitative statistics to figure it out.

This guide hopes to break down the jargon and seeming complexities of investing in the financial markets by making things as simple as possible. I will try my best to remove all the cheesy quips used by the media and to demystify the financial markets, which almost has as much jargon as it does quick rich schemes.

This guide is broken up into sections which should make it easier for you to get some answers and find specific information for the knowledge you need to start investing.

I wish you a better share trading! 

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